i also KPOP lOveRer

i also KPOP lOveRer
bi rain

Saturday 31 December 2011

Even If I die, I can't Let you Go...

No matter how young you are, the pain is still the same
saying you don't know the world too well. You don't know the pain. Things will get better. Why did you lie? How can such a hurt heart repair so easily? How can i live without you? That's why i

Can't let you go even if i die
how can i let you go? Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
so that i don't hurt
at least so that i can live on
if you can't, whatever
i can't send you even if i die

Even if you push me away
i'm gonna hold on to the end
so that you can't go anywhere
if you're really gonna leave, then lie to me
saying we'll meet again tomorrow smiling
saying that breaking up was a joke
otherwise i

Can't let you go even if i die
how can i let you go? Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
so that i don't hurt
at least so that i can live on
if you can't, whatever
i can't send you even if i die

We were always together so often
how can i live alone now? I can't do this
i just can't do this

I can't let you go even if i die
how can i let you go? Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
so that i don't hurt
at least so that i can live on
if you can't, whatever
i can't send you even if i die

Monday 19 December 2011

Iklan Yang Paling Sedih Untuk Ditonton

my raining day!!!

hari ini.........aku sedih kot..tadi aku ada test Health MGT...otak aku blank masa nak jawab..banyak benda aku tinggal..aku hilang markah banyak kot..aku down giler..ak frust giler ngan diri sendiri..aku salahkan diri sendiri sebab aku lupa apa yang aku baca..aku rasa nak nangis jek..aku balik bilik tadi terus aku solat...aku rasa aku ada buat something yang menyebabkan otak aku bloking..Allah je tau..mungkin..aku takut sangat untuk hadapi carry mark aku nanti..sedih...

Lepas tu aku automatik msg shira...shira..aku tak dpt jawab..aku blank..dia jelah tempat selalu aku mengadu kalau aku rasa tak tenteram...terutama dalam pelajaran..then pastu, aku msg dia pulak..tp dia dalam kelas...so aku malas nak kacau..aku biarkan jek..tp malam nie dia on FB..tanya blk YANA kenapa?? sbnrnya malas nak menyusahkan dia..sb aku nie slalu sgt mengadu kat dia mcm2 seolah3 dia tu mcm BF aku plk..padahal TUNANG orang kot..MAti aku kalu tunang dia tau..huh!! (MAAF YE SAYE PINJAM TUNANG AWK),,,aku harap aku bleh cover blk apa yg dah aku spoil td..aku akan usaha utk ubah diri aku..mybe betol ckp dia..aku nie banyak tngk benda kesukaan aku..menyebabkan aku lalai..Ya allah..ampunkan aku..